Thursday, June 11, 2015

I think this is an artist statment

This is my artist statement. Its not very good and it needs a lot of work but here is what I have:

There are 7 billion different worlds coexisting. Each day my world has collided with another. The collision could be so small it might be like the passing of a butterfly. Small, brief, yet important, and beautiful. I get to see a new vision of life when I open my eyes and another when I close them. I take all my familiar senses and put them into a piece that I can send off into other worlds in an envelope and leave it up to the recipient to rip it up or to keep it safe forever. In this current envelope ,here I am. My mind is in a battle of calming the chaos of every tornado that hits a nerve. As I get better at controlling the monster in my head I am able to tap into the unified field. Its a nirvana of sorts. Emotions become images and frame by frame I am able to express everything with a certain fluidity. Ideas flow out of my mind like Niagara Falls, I just hope its just a beautiful. I hope that every sense that passes from my fingertips and that is put into my work is something you can taste without taking a bite. Something you can feel without grasping it. My work is a collection. Different pieces of my soul. My work is me. Here I am. Here is a piece of my world.

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